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United Kingdom > Nursing in the UK- FAQ > NMC Registration/Licensing

In order to practise as a nurse in the UK, you must be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). 

Do I need to take an English test?

All nurses applying to join the NMC register must prove that they have sufficient English language skills to communicate effectively.  Broadly speaking, this means that if you were not trained in English, you will be required to take an English language test.

To assess your own individual circumstances, please click here to visit the NMC website for the most up-to-date information on their requirements.

NMC accepts 2 different exams - OET (Occupational English Test) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System).  It is up to you which one you choose to do but your recruiter will be able to advise you. Please click here for full details of the minimum accepted scores for registration.

Visit our guide here how to complete your NMC application

What is the NMC Test of Competence (ToC)

The NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)  use the Test of Competence (ToC) to assess the skills and knowledge of people applying to join our register from overseas or rejoin our register after a long period away from practice.

There are two parts, CBT and OSCE


Part one of the Test of Competence is a computer based test known as the CBT. You can sit your CBT or OSCE in any order, but you must successfully complete both parts to continue with your application for initial registration or readmission.  CBT has two parts. Part A will cover numeracy and Part B will cover nursing or midwifery theory. You can find practice tests for the new CBT on Pearson VUE's website. They are accessible to all and do not need to be booked.

Booking a CBT

Once the NMC has confirmed that you need to take the Test of Competence, Pearson Vue will send you an email confirming that your account has been created and a temporary password to log in.


Part two of the Test of Competence is a practical exam known as the OSCE. In this part you'll be tested on your clinical and communication skills. You can sit your CBT or OSCE in any order, but you must successfully complete both parts to continue with your application for initial registration or readmission.

Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) 

The OSCE has 10 stations: Four stations will continue to be linked together around a scenario: the APIE (one station for assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation). Four stations to test skills (two pairs of two skills) Two  stations to assess the candidate's values and behaviours and evidence-based practice.

The Trust who employs you will provide comprehensive training. 

How much will it cost?

Breakdown of costs

Paid to NMC on submission of eligibility and qualification application. £140

Computer-based test (CBT) cost £83 (Paid up front for you if you have a job offer via Professional Connections or if you have already paid when you apply to us, the CBT fee will be reimbursed by the Trust when you commence employment.

Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) cost.  The employing hospital pays this for you. 

Registration fee  Paid to NMC on submission of the registration application.£153

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